Paediatric care is available at Pindara 24 hours per day 365 days per year and if you have no preferred Paediatrician the specialist on call will be delighted to look after your new baby. The Paediatricians at Pindara attend all Caesareans and any other deliveries, where there are concerns.
A Paediatrician will examine your baby in the first 24 hours of its life to ensure there are no apparent congenital abnormalities or other major concerns. Pindara has a Special Care Nursery to care for premature infants from 32 weeks gestation. This nursery has the appropriate monitoring and medical equipment necessary for management and stabilisation of unwell babies.
The Paediatrician will visit you and your baby, on a regular basis, during your hospital stay. They will look for concerns with feeding; jaundice; and particularly to check that no heart murmurs develop.
The Paediatrician will also organise to see your baby a few weeks later, to check that all the normal developmental milestones are being achieved and that your baby is developing a good routine.
Subsequent to this visit, the baby will then be referred back to your General Practitioner for ongoing care. Your baby would then only need to see a Paediatrician if your General Practitioner identified there were specific concerns.
You will receive an invoice from the Paediatrician for this medical care which may include a gap payment. Unless there are specific concerns, a baby does not generally need to be admitted to the Special Care Nursery. This may mean medical care will be as an outpatient and you will be able to utilise the Medicare safety net.