Patients and Carers
Patients and carers play an important role in the safe delivery of health care. Health care can be improved when the Hospital service provider, patients and carers, and the medical and clinical teams work together to ensure the patient receives the most appropriate care and highest quality service possible.
To achieve this patients and carers are encouraged to be proactive participants in the management of health care and health treatment plans during and after a stay in hospital.
Pindara Private Hospital Invites and encourages patients and carers to:
Accept responsibility for the role they play in the delivery of care.
Partner with Pindara Private Hospital in the delivery of care, during and after a hospital stay.
Communicate and share experiences that may impact on the relevant treatment plan during and after a hospital stay.
Participate in making decisions that may impact on the relevant treatment plan during and after a hospital stay.
Pindara Private Hospital encourages patients and carers to understand their own healthcare rights and responsibilities.
Details of these rights and responsibilities can be found in the bedside compendium booklet which is located on the bedside table.