Your Stay at Pindara Private Hospital
There are single and shared rooms. Every effort is made to accommodate you in the room of your choice. If your preference is not available at the time of admission, your request will be met as soon as possible. All single rooms have a private ensuite.
There is a list of Accredited Chaplains that visit Pindara Private Hospital. If you would like to have a member of the clergy visit you whilst in hospital, please advise a member of staff and arrangements will be made.
Clinical Handover
Nursing shift to shift Clinical Handover will be performed at your bedside to ensure you are involved in, and fully informed of, your care at all times.
Pindara Cafe
A selection of light meals, sandwiches, coffee, cold drinks, ice confection, confectionary and magazines are available at the café, for you and your visitors convenience. The Pindara Cafe is located on the ground floor of the Pindara Specialist Suites building and is open for service between the hours:
Monday to Friday: 6.30am to 5.00pm
Saturday to Sunday: 9.00am to 3.00pm
Public Holidays: Closed
Department of Veterans’ Affairs Liaison Officer
Veteran’s who are admitted to Pindara are asked on admission if they would like to be visited by an officer. These officers visit regularly and are always happy to visit a veteran.
Extra meals
Our catering department will provide meals for your partner if desired at a cost. To purchase a meal voucher please visit the front reception desk.
A Daily Feedback Card is available when you are in hospital for you to provide comments about the service you received. We welcome your feedback as to “what we do well” and “how can we improve”. If during your stay you experience any difficulty or problem, please bring this to the attention of the ward staff immediately. It is important that these issues are addressed early. If you would prefer to discuss an issue with staff who do not work within your ward, you can contact the Hospital Co-ordinator or Director of Clinical Services.
Depending on the patient’s condition, flowers may not be appropriate. Please check with staff in the ward. It is advisable that potted plants are not brought into the hospital for infection control reasons.
It is hospital policy that NO flowers are located at the bedside of a patient in Intensive Care because of the electrical equipment that is in constant use in this area. If flowers are received, they will be displayed at the nurse’s desk. The nearest Florist to Pindara is located at Benowa Gardens Shopping Centre, corner of Ashmore and Benowa Roads.
Available on request.
A personal laundry service is not available onsite at Pindara, please arrange for a relative or friend to do your personal laundry.
Pindara has a variety of books available for loan whilst you are in hospital. Some games are also available. If you would like to access these, please ask staff who will arrange for a volunteer to obtain books for you.
Mail, fax
Incoming mail is delivered to the wards daily. Any letters received after your departure will be forwarded to you at home. The postal address of the hospital is:
PO Box 6545
Gold Coast Mail Centre
Bundall Qld 9726.
At Pindara, all meals are freshly prepared on site by an experienced Catering Team. Morning tea, afternoon tea and supper are served in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner. If your doctor approves, we are able to provide wine or beer with your meals. For health reasons, the nursing staff will monitor requests for alcoholic beverages.
Mobile Phones
When you are admitted please ask our staff if mobiles can be used in your room. Mobiles may be used in all public areas including the coffee shop. Pindara Private Hospital does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to your mobile phone.
Newspapers and magazines
Each morning during the week, newspapers and magazines are delivered to all wards for purchase. If you would like a particular newspaper or magazine, please ask the delivery person who will arrange if possible. Papers and magazines are also available for purchase from the Coffee Shop.
Parking for patients, visitors and staff is available at the rear of the hospital (entry via Carrara Street) and there are a number of two hour parking areas available at the front of the hospital.
You are requested NOT to park in parking bays allocated to Doctors and Ambulance. This ensures doctors and Ambulances always have immediate access to the hospital if required. Cars parked in disabled car spaces must display a valid permit. There are two ‘set down’ parking bays located at the front of the hospital and two at the rear of the hospital.
Patient Privacy
Ramsay Health Care complies with the Commonwealth Privacy Act and all other state/territory Legislative requirements in relation to the management of personal information. Our patients can feel safe in the knowledge that we safeguard their personal health information ensuring that confidentiality is respected and information is stored securely.
On admission to hospital, please ensure you provide Health Concession Card, Safety Net and Medicare details to staff, so they can advise the pharmacy.
Rest Period
2.30pm – 4.00pm Maternity only
Smoking is not allowed inside the hospital.
Read more about Smoke Free Campus.
Special Diets
Catering Assistants are available to discuss special needs. A Consultant Dietician is also available for patients who require education or therapeutic advice. Please speak with ward staff if you require assistance.
There is a phone beside every bed and there are public phones on each floor. Local calls are complimentary. STD, International calls are charged to your account. See mobile phones.
There is a television next to every bed.
We recommend that all your valuables be sent home as the hospital accepts no liability for items of value and cash brought into the hospital. Small items can be lodged in the hospital safe. This safety deposit facility is available at your request and arrangements for deposits may be made through your nursing staff. Do not leave items and cash unattended in your room
Visiting Hours
10am - 8pm
Visiting outside these hours is by arrangement only.
Pindara has a Volunteer Program. The volunteers are known as the ‘Friends of Pindara’. They provide a range of services, ie arranging flowers, assisting patients with mail, delivering newspapers/lollies, or, just being there to talk.
Contact the Pindara volunteers on VOLS.PGC@ramsayhealth.com.au