It is important you come to Hospital immediately if any of the following occur:
If you think you are in labour i.e. have:
- ruptured membranes or continuous leaking of fluid
- regular contractions
Please contact the Pindara Midwives on 07 5588 9401 before presenting to the Hospital Reception for admission.
If you are 20 weeks pregnant or less and have any worries or concerns.
Contact your Obstetrician or present to the Pindara Accident & Emergency Department (if your Obstetrician is unavailable the doctor on call will review you).
If you are 20 weeks pregnant or later and have any worries or concerns.
Contact your Obstetrician. If they are not available contact the Maternity Unit on 07 5588 9401 before coming into hospital.
It is very important you contact the Maternity Unit immediately 07 5588 9401 (day or night) if any of the following occur:
- Bright red bleeding
- Premature labour i.e. prior to 37 weeks
- Unusual or severe abdominal pain
- Any concerns about baby’s movements
Antenatal Assessment
If you require an antenatal assessment in the Maternity Unit this assessment will incur a "Day Admission" charge.