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Pindara Private Hospital Magazine - Issue Three

HEALTH & BEAUTY some patients, the correct lens selection can provide freedom from reading spectacles as well. Nd:YAG & DIODE Laser the wavelength in half (1064nm to 532nm) we can cut the machine size 10 fold and produce Green laser which has been used for many years but still Q-switch the exposure time (2x10-9 sec) which permits almost totally side effect free and highly effective treatment for Glaucoma (called SLT or Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty, a great improvement over the older ALT or Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty) This form of Solid State Laser can be produced by Diodes nowadays in continuous wave mode (measured in milliseconds as opposed to the ultrashort exposures discussed above) which permits the substantial downsizing of the equipment (the size of a small suitcase instead of occupying half a room and using 100 litres of water per minute for cooling!) but retaining the power of all the older and useful treatments that we still use (the green and red continuous wave lasers which are used to treat the retinas of people with diabetes retinal detachment and advanced glaucoma – Cyclodiode / Endolaser / Indirect Laser / Direct laser and so on). Micropulse Laser This type of laser is an off shoot of the Argon (green) Laser which, with the advent of the Diode lasers which can produce Red Green and Yellow wavelength lasers, have also very short pulse duration (duration of laser delivery) as described above but also have very short pulse interval (duration of interval between pulses) permitting the direction of laser energy towards vital structures such as the macula without fear of laser induced damage as per many of the other older laser systems. This permits the treatment of fluid in the macula secondary to diabetes and other conditions such as venous occlusive disease, which occurs secondary to high blood pressure and high blood fats as well as Glaucoma Intraocular Lenses Intraocular lenses are mainly used to replace the natural lens of the eye when cataracts develop, but also when the natural lens enlarges with age to become too big for the eye, causing glaucoma. Occasionally we use a supplementary lens or piggy back lenses over another lens to supplement correction, or as a lens over the natural lens of the eye to make large corrections of refractive error. This type of lens is called the ICL or Implantable Collamer Lens. The wonderful lenses help those with thick glasses to achieve quality normal vision without spectacles. newer intraocular lenses used in cataract surgery are built to provide an approach of customisation for each individual, not only correcting long sightedness, short sightedness and astigmatism but also some higher order aberrations. By optimising all the above parameters in the preoperative assessment and choosing the correct lens, excellent visual outcomes and spectacle freedom are enhanced. Additionally, in some patients, the correct lens selection can provide freedom from reading spectacles as well. This is created by using one of the eyes to read and the other for distance correction (called monovision) or with intraocular lenses that provide both near and distance correction in both eyes. These multifocal lenses have been refined significantly in the last two years, producing good near intermediate and distance vision with little (although some) night time optical glare phenomena. Glaucoma Glaucoma is a disease that takes our sight without us really noticing until it is too late. Both peripheral and central vision is lost with central vision often the last to go in glaucoma. The mainstay of treatments in glaucoma are those to lower intraocular pressure and facilitate fluid flow in the eye. Eye drops that do this have been used for many years in the past and require use into many years in the future. Recently we have acquired drops from the research fields that minimise ocular surface irritation (no preservatives, more gentle preservatives) that provide for future years of trouble free use. Nevertheless, some people react not only to preservatives in the drugs but to the active drug in the medication. The answer for this is SLT or Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty. SLT is not only Pindara M 66 agazine Summer | 2014/15

Pindara Private Hospital Magazine - Issue Three
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