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Pindara Private Hospital Magazine - Issue Three

that damage the heart or blood vessels. These include high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high cholesterol. Work with your doctor to monitor your heart health and treat any problems that arise. General health y aging: Strategies for overall healthy aging may help keep your brain as well as your body fit. These strategies may even offer some protection against developing Alzheimer’s or related disorders. Try to keep your weight within recommended guidelines, avoid tobacco and excess alcohol, stay socially connected, and exercise both your body and mind. Gold Coast Neurologist, Dr Meenashki Raj, advises that physical and mental exercise can delay and slow the speed of progression, especially very early stages. She recommends exercise, having a day plan and continuing to do stimulating work. pm Aluminium not a cause During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminium emerged as a possible suspect in causing Alzheimer’s disease. This suspicion led to concerns about everyday exposure to aluminium through sources such as cooking pots, foil, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminium in causing Alzheimer’s. Almost all scientists today focus on other areas of research, and few experts believe that everyday sources of aluminium pose any threat.

Pindara Private Hospital Magazine - Issue Three
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