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Pindara Private Hospital Magazine - Issue Five

HEALTT H & BEAUTYY "...unwanted physical changes can cause serious emotional problems with new mothers, who are often already feeling anxious and vulnerable, focusing on these issues." - Dr Gahankari. “This period also allows women to make the crucial decisions about their family size. Also psychologically, I believe women seem to be in much better shape to cope with the decisions and recover from the stresses of the surgery. “Some of the surgical procedures for breasts and tummy tucks may attract Medicare and private health fund rebates after at least one year after a last pregnancy, which is very reasonable." Dr Gahankari says the effect of pregnancy on the tummy varies widely in women and it is not uncommon to see severely stretched stomach muscles after a large nine or ten-pound baby, or after a twin pregnancy. “Stretched muscles can shrink back remarkably after pregnancy – especially with exercise – but often, the muscles remain ‘splayed apart’ causing lower tummy bulge while standing. This weakness in the lower abdomen in some women may be a cause of low backache, soreness or even stress incontinence,” he says. “There is some evidence to show that a tummy tuck procedure, performed appropriately by qualified and experienced plastic surgeons with muscle layer repair, may result in relieving these symptoms.” pm 60 Pindara Magazine 2015

Pindara Private Hospital Magazine - Issue Five
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